
We're Gloria & Richona

Gloria & Richona

It's Time To Unwind

Schedule a massage at our spa

Can you feel how tense your shoulders are? Is your jaw clenched? Between your hectic work schedule and busy home life, it doesn't take long to feel stressed. Morning Glory Esthetics will help you unwind with a relaxing massage at our spa.

You'll be ready to tackle whatever is on your to-do list after taking the time to relax and reset yourself. Don't get burnt out. Connect with our masseuse today to book your appointment.

Consider These 3 Benefits Of A Professional Massage

Wondering if a professional massage is worth it? There are several benefits that you can experience by treating yourself to an appointment. You should book a massage in order to...

  1. Relieve muscle tension and pain
  2. Reduce stress levels
  3. Improve circulation and energy levels

You'll feel refreshed and renewed after a 15-, 30-, 45- or 60-minute massage. Learn about our essential oil and aromatherapy options by calling (704) 907-6365 now.

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